Sunday, December 30, 2007

Busy day!

Today was a very busy day for my family. First we went to church and it was my friend Michael Shilling's birthday! Hooray! MY family and I went home and had bagel pizzas for lunch while watching the Packers vs. Tigers game on TV. Then my mom went into Aldi and bought things while my Dad took us kids to get Jr. Frostys at Wendys. Then we went into Staples and bought DVD discs for copying our home videos onto. Next we went to the library and listened to a young man named Phillip DuPont play the piano. After that we went to Trinity Church to see their nativity set-up. Then we went to Meijer and my brother and I bought Pokemon cards. He also bought a stuffed animal Wobbufet. I got Torterra Lv. X in my cards!