Friday, February 29, 2008

My friends

Happy Leap Year! My Dad's birthday was yesterday, and we went to my Grandma's house for cake and soupy ice cream. While there, we played Tripoley! It is a combination of 3 different games. I'm writing today about my friends. The first one I'm going to talk about is William. William is a 4th grade boy with a disability; He only has one arm! The other had to be taken off after he fell off a nine-foot dresser and broke it. Another is Zachary. He lives only 2 blocks away from me, and we try to get together as much as we can. He likes most of the things I like, including Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Tripoley, and Bionicle. Another is Michael, who lives on the same street as Zachary. We both like sports and Yu-Gi-Oh, but he likes mostly different sports than me. Joshua is a 5th grade boy who isn't one of best friends, but we play soccer in the same league, and I invite him to my birthday parties. My last one is David. We both like sports and Yu-Gi-Oh, but we don't see each other much,because we're both so busy. I also have 2 friends who live in different states, and their names are Jacob and Nicholas. Jacob recently moved to Pennsylvania, and I was very sad to see him go. We had so much in common! Nicholas moved to California 1 or 2 years ago, and I still miss him! We liked almost everything alike! Ping-Pong, Badminton, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, video games, everything! This is a list of my friends. Hope you enjoyed it!