Monday, February 18, 2008

My made up games

I have made up lots of games in my head. I've already told you about Weapon Adventure, which is one of my brother's favorite games to play. I also made up a game like that, except more for girls. You are a human, and with the help of fairies, you turn into different animals, and I haven't made up a name for it yet. All the people who have played it so far haven't gotten very far. I also made a game called Conic Heroes, which is kind of a ripoff of Sonic Heroes. You get to be a team of three people, and their names are Conic, Rails, and Buckles. They're not exactly people though. Another ripoff game was Cionicle, which was one of the first games I made. You make a Bionicle figure, and I have a whole story set for it. If you're wondering how I actually make them, I just think of them in my head, and then just tell the person who is playing what is happening around him/her. Hope you liked my games! There is a poll up for which one you would like the most, so start voting!