Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I'm so sorry that I haven't written in my blog for such a long time! It has completely slipped my mind! I'll try to make it up to you. This week is spring break, so I've been seeing a lot of friends, especially William. I slept over at his house last Thursday, and I went over there today. I made him a new Pokemon deck, but we haven't tested it out yet. We started to, but then I had to leave. We are babysitting our Aunt Becky's dog right now, and her name is Rootbeer. (Rooty for short.) She is a very large dog, even after she lost 23 pounds, because she has an injury on her back left foot, and they don't want too much pressure on it. We have been reading a book called Hittite Warrior, which I really liked. It is very exciting, but kind of sad too. On a scale of one to ten, I rate it a 10. Bye!