Friday, February 6, 2009

New start

I'm going to try writing in this blog again. I know it has been a very long time! I be talking about the things that we have been doing recently. In Webkinz World, we are going to be having a presidential election. My stuffed animal Doggy is going to be running. He isn't really a Webkinz, but my friend William and I count him as one. Everyone else in the election doesn't think he counts, even though he has been counted as a Webkinz since before they had even heard of Webkinz! I don't think he will win, though, because of that. Rachel's birthday was on the 21st, and she had a great time! I made her a necklace at Coyote Beads that she loves, and she got a lot of other stuff that she wanted. I started a gifted program called PACE, and it is great! William and Zachary are in it too, and I know more than half the class! We do lots of fun things there. It is always on Wednesdays. Last week, we studied Chinese calligraphy, and I wrote something in Chinese that says, "Dragon fire blazes," or "Dragon fire burns." It doesn't really matter. Basketball season has also started, and we lost our first game, 22-14. Our players are tall, but the other team was too fast, so we lost. I'm doing a cool writing class called Writer's Workshop. It is awesome! I'm also writing a book called Element Battle. It is 16 pages so far, and I'm only on the 7th chapter! Bye!