Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas traditions

Christmas is one of the busiest times of year for me, so I couldn't write.  I am going to write about my Christmas traditions.  On Christmas eve, we go to my aunt Becky's and have lunch there.  On Christmas day, we read the Christmas story from both Matthew and Luke.  We also go to my Grandma's house and open presents there.  We stay there the entire day.  Our family also opens presents from each other.  The next day(today)we go to Maumee Bay State Park for 3 days with my Dad's family.  

1 comment:

connorlong said...

Hi Connor!
I have really been inspired how your family celebrates Christmas. I thank you for sharing these awesome traditions. It's all about Jesus and family-God's greatest gift to us. Your family traditions sure show that.

We all know it's Jesus's birthday, but often leave that part out of our celebration. This year was a first for having a birthday party for Jesus before opening any presents. We all gave Jesus a gift, too, by writing a letter to him explaining what we are planning to do to show our love for Him in the next year. This Christmas was a favorite for me.

When I was your age, I remember waking up at 4am, going downstairs and just waiting...... checking to see if Santa left a note by our plate of cookies set out for him, and how big the boxes were. We could open our stockings before our parents came down, so I sure did! We did read the Christmas story from the Bible right after breakfast, and then it was a controlled frenzy opening all the presents. Some memorable gifts from Santa were: Baby Alive, Baby That A Way, and a huge black panther that purred.

Hope you are having a sensational time at Maumee State Park with your family!! :)