Monday, December 17, 2007


Sorry I haven't written in such a long time. I've been busy, especially with lots of activities. My question today is: Is Christmas the time Jesus was born, or is it just when you get presents? Is Christmas an important holiday in your life, or is it just too much work? Everybody who reads this, please comment. I would really like to know your opinion!

1 comment:

Connor Long said...

I think Christmas is a time when we celebrate the birth of Christ (although His birth was actually probably not in December). Our family has a birthday party for Jesus, complete with cake and pop - just to celebrate His special occasion.

I do not think CHristmas is too much work! I love decorating and going to special events like The Nutcracker and The Gospel According to Scrooge. We are somewhat busier during Christmas time, but all the activities are a blessing.