Monday, April 21, 2008

My trip to the aquarium

I am staying with my uncle for a few days, and we call it Double Digit Days. (DDD for short.) My uncle lives in Cincinnati, and I'm here by myself. It was supposed to happen last year, but we never got around to it. We went to the Newport aquarium, and saw tons of cool fish! I have a few photos posted, so look at them if you want to. The aquarium is huge! There were tunnels that you walked under, and fish swam above you, and there was glass under you too, so fish swam under you. We saw a giant shark ray that swam really close to me! I couldn't get a picture of it, because our camera ran out of battery. There were penguins there, too. The Newport aquarium is a really cool place, so if you can ever go there, you should!


1Handed Elephant Lover said...

Sounds Awesome!!!!!

connorlong said...

It is!

sassy said...

Fabulous professional pictures, Connor! What a fun D3 day! Love, Mrs. E

sassy said...

wow! I want to go there sometime!
love ike