Friday, February 6, 2009

New start

I'm going to try writing in this blog again. I know it has been a very long time! I be talking about the things that we have been doing recently. In Webkinz World, we are going to be having a presidential election. My stuffed animal Doggy is going to be running. He isn't really a Webkinz, but my friend William and I count him as one. Everyone else in the election doesn't think he counts, even though he has been counted as a Webkinz since before they had even heard of Webkinz! I don't think he will win, though, because of that. Rachel's birthday was on the 21st, and she had a great time! I made her a necklace at Coyote Beads that she loves, and she got a lot of other stuff that she wanted. I started a gifted program called PACE, and it is great! William and Zachary are in it too, and I know more than half the class! We do lots of fun things there. It is always on Wednesdays. Last week, we studied Chinese calligraphy, and I wrote something in Chinese that says, "Dragon fire blazes," or "Dragon fire burns." It doesn't really matter. Basketball season has also started, and we lost our first game, 22-14. Our players are tall, but the other team was too fast, so we lost. I'm doing a cool writing class called Writer's Workshop. It is awesome! I'm also writing a book called Element Battle. It is 16 pages so far, and I'm only on the 7th chapter! Bye!

Monday, April 21, 2008

My trip to the aquarium

I am staying with my uncle for a few days, and we call it Double Digit Days. (DDD for short.) My uncle lives in Cincinnati, and I'm here by myself. It was supposed to happen last year, but we never got around to it. We went to the Newport aquarium, and saw tons of cool fish! I have a few photos posted, so look at them if you want to. The aquarium is huge! There were tunnels that you walked under, and fish swam above you, and there was glass under you too, so fish swam under you. We saw a giant shark ray that swam really close to me! I couldn't get a picture of it, because our camera ran out of battery. There were penguins there, too. The Newport aquarium is a really cool place, so if you can ever go there, you should!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I'm so sorry that I haven't written in my blog for such a long time! It has completely slipped my mind! I'll try to make it up to you. This week is spring break, so I've been seeing a lot of friends, especially William. I slept over at his house last Thursday, and I went over there today. I made him a new Pokemon deck, but we haven't tested it out yet. We started to, but then I had to leave. We are babysitting our Aunt Becky's dog right now, and her name is Rootbeer. (Rooty for short.) She is a very large dog, even after she lost 23 pounds, because she has an injury on her back left foot, and they don't want too much pressure on it. We have been reading a book called Hittite Warrior, which I really liked. It is very exciting, but kind of sad too. On a scale of one to ten, I rate it a 10. Bye!

Friday, February 29, 2008

My friends

Happy Leap Year! My Dad's birthday was yesterday, and we went to my Grandma's house for cake and soupy ice cream. While there, we played Tripoley! It is a combination of 3 different games. I'm writing today about my friends. The first one I'm going to talk about is William. William is a 4th grade boy with a disability; He only has one arm! The other had to be taken off after he fell off a nine-foot dresser and broke it. Another is Zachary. He lives only 2 blocks away from me, and we try to get together as much as we can. He likes most of the things I like, including Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Tripoley, and Bionicle. Another is Michael, who lives on the same street as Zachary. We both like sports and Yu-Gi-Oh, but he likes mostly different sports than me. Joshua is a 5th grade boy who isn't one of best friends, but we play soccer in the same league, and I invite him to my birthday parties. My last one is David. We both like sports and Yu-Gi-Oh, but we don't see each other much,because we're both so busy. I also have 2 friends who live in different states, and their names are Jacob and Nicholas. Jacob recently moved to Pennsylvania, and I was very sad to see him go. We had so much in common! Nicholas moved to California 1 or 2 years ago, and I still miss him! We liked almost everything alike! Ping-Pong, Badminton, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, video games, everything! This is a list of my friends. Hope you enjoyed it!

Monday, February 18, 2008

My made up games

I have made up lots of games in my head. I've already told you about Weapon Adventure, which is one of my brother's favorite games to play. I also made up a game like that, except more for girls. You are a human, and with the help of fairies, you turn into different animals, and I haven't made up a name for it yet. All the people who have played it so far haven't gotten very far. I also made a game called Conic Heroes, which is kind of a ripoff of Sonic Heroes. You get to be a team of three people, and their names are Conic, Rails, and Buckles. They're not exactly people though. Another ripoff game was Cionicle, which was one of the first games I made. You make a Bionicle figure, and I have a whole story set for it. If you're wondering how I actually make them, I just think of them in my head, and then just tell the person who is playing what is happening around him/her. Hope you liked my games! There is a poll up for which one you would like the most, so start voting!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My career

Well, I'm happy to say the Giants won the Super Bowl, 17-14. I thought they were going to win the whole time.Today I'm going to write about what I want to be when I grow up. I'm planning on being an actor, on account of the many plays I've been in. I've been the lead part in three plays, Joseph From the Pit to the Palace, Pinocchio, and Livin' Inside Out. Those 3 parts were Joseph, Pinocchio, and Zach. I have been in 11 plays total, not including ones I have made up and performed myself. I don't want you to think I am boasting, but God has given me a great love for acting. The next play I'm going to be in is South Pacific. Bye!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl!

Today is the Super Bowl! My Dad and I are really excited. I'm rooting for the Giants, and he's rooting for the Patriots, who I really don't like. I don't like them because of Tom Brady, who led one of my opponents in Fantasy Football against me. Our friends, the Peeks usually have a giant party, and they're keeping that tradition! But they might not have it because my friend, Zachary, got sick yesterday, so it all depends on how he feels today. I hope he's not! Totally, Zachary told me there would be 79 people there, and maybe more! My brother has just started a cool role-playing game I made up, called weapon adventure. In it you battle the evil king's guards and mythical creatures, but some people and creatures help you! I was sick a few days ago too, and my Dad and I watched the first 3 episodes of Star Wars.